While One Adventure Closes Another One Opens!
Greetings, fellow Pokémon enthusiasts! Strap yourselves in because it's been a rollercoaster ride for Team Raptor these past two weekends, traversing the East Coast in pursuit of those elusive championship points. And guess what? Drumroll, please! *Cue confetti cannon* We're thrilled to announce that all our valiant players have punched their tickets to the Pokémon World Championships!
Juniors - Gus, Lucan, Harry D, Harry H
Seniors - Elliott, Owen, KJ
Masters - Edin, Montana, Kye, Ida
Let's rewind to the last weekend of April, where Edin and Montana embarked on a Pokémon odyssey to Sydney. Edin, the maestro behind the revamped Gardevoir, showcased his wizardry by clinching two top 8 finishes at both Cups. He was rock solid like Brock but deep down we know he was moonbeaming inside. Meanwhile, Montana soared high with the legendary Lugia, even taking down the mighty Brent Tonisson, the Number 1 ranked player in the world, the Pokémon TCG deity himself! It was one game but talk about a feather in her cap!
Fast forward to the first weekend of May, where the action continued with not one, but another two tournaments! Elliott, our Senior Charizard aficionado, blazed his way through Victory Road at Unplugged Games in Lismore, sealing the deal on his championship points. As for Montana, her dedication to perfecting Lugia paid dividends with a Top 4 finish, earning her that golden ticket to Worlds.
But wait, there's more! Sunday saw Edin's triumphant redemption at Pokidoll on the Gold Coast. Despite a rocky start, he rallied back like a Pikachu fighting off Spearows, with three wins and a tie, securing his rightful place in the top 8 and bidding adieu to the gruelling Worlds points grind.
A round of applause for our stellar team and their unwavering supporters! Stay tuned as we dish out the inside scoop on their rigorous training regimen leading up to the ultimate showdown at the Pokémon World Championships! It's gonna be legendary, extraordinary even!
If you would like to support the team please head to their Go Fund Me or attend the Harry Potter Trivia night on Saturday 1st June! All proceeds to be donated to the team to help fund their trip to Wolrds!